Ladybridge Primary school is a Nut Free Zone
We have children in school who have an allergic reaction to nuts, and in two particular cases, this allergic reaction could result in an anaphylactic shock – which is life threatening. It is not just eating nuts that can make these children ill, but having any kind of contact i.e. with products containing nuts, with people who have nut products on their skin or clothes.
We, as a school, have procedures in place, but it is essential that we have your co-operation to help protect these children. Nuts are in so many products that extra care is needed when sending food into school either for snacks at break times or packed lunches. Please could you check food labels for any products you send to school.
When it comes to Christmas parties or other events that involve sending food into school, please could you take extra care if you are preparing/baking food to ensure it does not contain/come into contact with nuts or have nut traces. Please remember that treat boxes like Roses/Quality Street/Celebrations contain chocolates that contain nuts such as Bounty, Snickers, Hazelnut Whirl, etc; please do not send these into school.