Curriculum Overview
Please see below our Wider Curriculum Policy:
Wider Curriculum Policy
As a maintained school, we follow the statutory national curriculum, which is balanced and broadly based, and which:
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
- prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Throughout the school, much of the curriculum that the children follow and study is through a thematic and cross-curricular approach. Some subjects are taught discreetly, but where possible we try to connect and link learning. We believe in providing and maintaining a broad, balanced and varied curriculum, that gives equal value to all learning and all subject areas. Integral to our approach to the curriculum is equality. Through careful consideration and planning of starting points, content, learning sequence and resources (including equipment, time, staffing and space), all pupils are able to access the curriculum. Running parallel with this is personal development, which is key: building resilience, embedding British values, promoting independence and learning from and out about each other. All of which are facilitated and enhanced by our deliberate and varied themes and questions, covered as part of our regular PSHE lessons.
A high priority is given to speaking and listening as part of language development, encouraging confident readers and writers.
Our Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is underpinned by the following curriculum intent:
‘Our provision is designed to take into account individual starting points to ensure an equality of opportunity to a broad, balanced and knowledge-rich curriculum, with a particular emphasis on VOCABULARY. The content of our ambitious curriculum will be carefully sequenced to encourage progression of skills, connections and transference to long-term memory, and will be chosen for its usefulness and relevance to our pupils. Pupils will be immersed in rich, relevant and contextualised first-hand experiences, which enthuse, excite and challenge them. Pupils will be encouraged to investigate, explore and take risks. As a result, pupils make excellent progress in their development and application of knowledge, understanding and skills (across different contexts).’
Early Years Foundation Stage
In Reception, children continue their pre-school experiences, with learning through play. Children follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum, this is made up of the following:
Three prime areas:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Four specific areas (through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied):
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
All children are taught the compulsory subjects of the National Curriculum:
Core Subjects:
English - Please click on the following links for further curriculum information: SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) - Spelling (additional information) - Vocabulary/Grammar/Punctuation (additional information) - Glossary of English Curriculum Terms
Maths - Please click on the following link for further curriculum information: Maths by Year Group Teaching Guide
Foundation Subjects:
Design and Technology
Art and Design
P.E. (including swimming in KS2)
Modern foreign language.
In addition, R.E and P.S.H.E (Personal, Social, Health Education) also form an important part of the curriculum.
Please note. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of R.E. and collective worship.
Curriculum Content By Year Group
Information on the content taught on each of the core and foundation subjects mentioned above is provided in the Curriculum Newsletters by year group. Found on individual class pages. If you would like any further information about the curriculum the school is following or specific curriculum matters to any year group, please contact us.
Curriculum Aims and Objectives
Children at Ladybridge have the opportunity to:
- Learn, develop and refine the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics
- Apply their basic skills across a range of subjects and through problem solving and challenges
- Learn about the curriculum through a wide range of first-hand and practical experiences
- Take risks, and understand how, when and why this is important part of learning
- Learn about themselves as learners, and understand how to learn effectively
- Understand the importance of, and develop positive attitudes to, the different areas of learning
- Develop a wide range of communication skills, through working alone and with others
- Improve their own performance, through self, peer and adult evaluation and intervention
- Access all statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and the locally agreed syllabus for R.E.
- Learn about British values.
How Parents/Carers Can Help
When learning about your child’s achievements, it is important to focus on their targets and what you can do to support them to consistently achieve them. Our aim is to ensure every child achieves their best, but we can only do this with your help. It is crucial therefore, that parents and carers are supported and committed to learning beyond the school day.
Assessment and Standards
We use a range of continual assessment methods and strategies, enabling us to monitor and support children as they progress. Questioning is used extensively to probe and extend understanding. Supportive and constructive feedback is provided to all pupils. Assessment is used as a diagnostic tool that informs future learning. Pupils are supported in assessing their own work and in identifying targets for improvement.
There are a number of summative assessment tests/tasks that pupils complete at the end of specific topics/areas of learning. At the end of Year 6, children sit national tests called SATs, which measure standards in maths and English (reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling).