Governors' Structure and Responsibilities
Governors are responsible for the strategic leadership of the school and give support in many different ways. The Governing Board has many responsibilities; here is a brief overview of some of these:
- The Governors' committee structure includes four committees:
- Leadership
- Finance & Personnel
- Wider Curriculum & Wellbeing
- Standards
- The strategic leadership of the school, including all the responsibility for the school’s finances and governance.
- Supporting the Senior Leadership Team.
- Being involved in and supporting the planning of the school's future development and direction.
- Listening to, and supporting, all staff in all aspects of school life.
- Receive reports on progress and achievement on key areas in school, we then check and challenge school leaders to drive forward school improvement.
- Supporting the school in providing for all our pupils, including those with special educational needs.
- Having responsibility of the building, health safety and welfare of all who visit or use or occupy the building and grounds.
- Visit school each term, during the school day, to ensure we are fully informed (and to support our decision making and discussions).
- Governors abide by a Code of Conduct, of which Discretion and Confidentiality are an essential part. We give our time, skills, talents and passion for education for the benefit of all the pupils, staff and parents who attend Ladybridge Community Primary School.
Governors' Roles
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities To meet termly with the SEND co-ordinator to understand the needs for SEND and the provision provided in school. To ensure SEND needs are being meet and the progress pupils make. |
Nicola Burgess |
Partnership Governor To act as a link between the school and the LA on matters of local educational interest, and to attend meetings of the Primary Partnership Group and feedback this information to all Governors. |
Edward Woo |
Performance Review Governors To agree, annually, with the Hea, teacher performance objectives and to monitor progress towards these objectives on a termly basis. |
Nicola Burgess Edward Woo
Looked After Children (LAC) To meet termly with the nominated teacher for LAC to ensure that all the policies and procedures within the school facilitate equal access for looked after children to all aspects of education, including: the national curriculum, extra-curricular activities and any additional educational support. |
Laura Kozera |
Link Governor for Training To assist in keeping their Governing Board informed about new courses, conferences and training opportunities and help identify the training needs of their Governing Board; To inform the Local Authority of any courses the Governing Board would like for themselves or with a group of neighbouring schools; To keep in school a log of all training courses attended by Governors and the impact of this. |
Shameem Patel |
Safer Recruitment/ Safeguarding To ensure the Governing Board fulfils its responsibilities in respect of safeguarding children. These responsibilities ensure the school:
Colin Watson Nicola Burgess
Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) To meet termly with the PPG lead to understand the needs for PPG and the provision provided in school. To ensure pupils who are in receipt of PPG are making good progress in relation to their peers. To understand how the PPG process works in school. |
Laura Kozera |